Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thursday: Partly Sunny, Partly Chilly

Caramel Lucchese cowboy boots, Wrangler blue jeans, blue-green/white check thick weave Carhartt shirt, black Carhartt thermal top, gray pouch briefs, usual Dickies socks.

Took along the brown Lucchese and got some videos of both in the works. Even changed my belt.

Sightings? The line at Wendy's was long and, unfortunately, the guy with tight Carhartts and work boots was behind me. Would have been nice if the crowd was unruly and someone had pushed us together. But, civility prevailed.

Remember guys, if you're aging like me and the cold is a problem, this is the time to stock up on long underwear, union suits, coats, ear muffs, etc.

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