Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

Black Timberland PRO, navy pleated Dockers, thin navy stripe shirt, navy light weight thermal T, black boxer briefs, usual Dickies socks.

I'll have to start searching eBay tomorrow for Halloween costume for next year.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Sunday The Sun

Black Nocona cowboy boots (then later the Durango work cowboy boots), black Wrangler jeans, white Wrangler shirt, navy long sleeve Carhartt T, black pouch briefs, usual Dickies socks.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Saturday The Snow

Caramel Lucchese cowboy boots, Carhartt blue jeans, tan Wrangler shirt, UWUA logo navy Henley, black knit boxers, fuzzy black work socks.

Interesting to see so many work boots at the supermarket.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Friday It's Friday

New Chippewa Crazy Horse work boots, black Carhartt jeans (yes, they are loose), dark blue small check shirt, gray long sleeve Carhartt T, black Musingwear pouch briefs, a brand new pair of the usual Dickies socks.

It's Friday.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Thursday The Clouds

bates zipper boots
Bates zipper boots, yet another pair of plain front black Farah pants (how did these get so close in the rotation?), thick stripe blue shirt, another pair of top and bottom light weight thermals, black boxer briefs, another pair of Dickies socks.

No sightings. A lot of dirty thoughts.

Not dirty. Just curious.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Wednesday The Sun

carolina loggers
Carolina loggers, black plain front Farah pants, medium navy check shirt, lightweight thermal top and bottom, boxer briefs underneath, usual Dickies socks.

It was also cold.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Tuesday The Storm

Black Timberland PRO boots, black Levi 501's, thin blue striped shirt, lineman logo long sleeve T, black pouch briefs, usual Dickies steel toe socks. And, black nylon rain pants, black Carhartt jacket, yellow Carhartt rain coat.

No sightings, but, then again, the rain and wind and chill was pretty bad.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Monday The Calm

Bates military boots, plain front black Farahs, medium navy stripe shirt, lightweight long sleeve navy T, black boxer briefs, usual Dickies socks.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Black Nocona cowboy boots, black Carhartt double front black dungarees, tan/black/brown Carhartt flannel shirt, gray construction company long sleeve T, navy blue knit boxer briefs, usual Dickies socks.

Cowboy boots at the supermarket.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Black Nocona boots, blue stonewashed Levi 501's, blue chambray Carhartt shirt, black long sleeve Carhartt T, black briefs, usual Dickies socks. Changed to Timberland PRO and black pleated Bass pants with pockets that are too small.

Several cowboy boots because I was in a western wear store.

Friday, October 21, 2005


Carolina logger boots, Carhartt blue jeans, tan/black/red check shirt, lightweight thermal white long sleeve T, black pouch briefs, fading logo Carhartt socks.

OK, this was too much Carhartt!

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Rocky boots, black plain front Farah pants, small blue check shirt, navy long sleeve Carhartt T, black boxer briefs, gray and black work socks.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Bates military boots, navy pleated Farahs, light blue small check shirt, gray long sleeve Carhartt T, black boxer briefs, usual steel-toe Dickies socks.

Did you have any boot sightings of note?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Bates zipper boots, navy pleated Dockers, another plain light blue shirt that got out of usual rotation, light weight long sleeve thermal T, black boxer briefs, black work socks.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Some Mondays are Better than Others

Black Timberland PRO boots, black plain front Farah pants, small blue check shirt, white T, black boxer briefs, usual Dickies steel toe socks.

Nice slow view of a very nice pair of work boots, and I think I got on the bus with a guy wearing Bates or Rocky zips.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Too High on Sunday

Bates military, faded indigo pleated Dockers, blue shirt, white T, black pouch briefs, new Dickies socks.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

More Rain on Saturday

Durango cowboy boots, black Carhartt jeans (not as loose as Thursday), new tan and black check Carhartt flannel shirt, gray Cabela's T, black Jockey pouch briefs, black work socks.

It's raining and cold. Sneakers and shorts? I don't get it.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Rainy Friday

Carolina loggers, Carhartt blue jeans (fairly tight), wide blue stripe shirt, Cabela's logo T, black briefs, usual Dickies socks.

Hip waders or an ark may be needed soon.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Dreary Thursday

New Timberlands (thought it was going to really rain), black Carhartt jeans (kind of large feeling, needed thermal underwear but not yet), dark navy small check shirt, white T, black boxer briefs, Dickies socks. Carhartt brown jacket and raincoat.

Is this what Seattle like? Is that how you spell "dreary"?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Bates military boots, older navy pleated Dockers, thin blue stripe shirt, white T, black boxer briefs, fuzzy black & gray work socks.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Back to Work on Tuesday

Black Timberland PRO's bought on Saturday, black plain front Farah pants (hidden under the white shirt I wore on Monday -- which means it hasn't been worn since June in Texas), purply check shirt, white T, black boxer briefs, usual Dickies socks. New Carhartt belt and Carhartt yellow raincoat.

Ordered new Lucchese boots. Hope this order doesn't end up being cancelled like the last one.

Columbus Day Celebrated with Rain

Black Nocona cowboy boots, tight light blue Wrangler jeans, white Wrangler shirt, black T, black pouch briefs, black work socks.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Cool Sunday

Black Timberland PRO's bought on Saturday, black Carhartt double-front dungarees (they seem to have a life of their own and are fun to interact with), black Wrangler shirt, white T, army surplus German boxer briefs, usual Dickies socks.

The one good thing about the change in the weather is that baggy shorts seem to being replaced by tighter jeans (if only sneakers and sandals could be replaced by boots ...).

After two days of the Johnny Cash look, I've got to do something different today (Monday).

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Very Rainy Saturday

Durango work cowboy boots, black Carhartt jeans, black Carhartt T, navy knit boxers, Dickies sock. Also yellow Carhartt rain coat. Changed to Bates military boots, white T, medium check shirt for the concert.

Two cowboy boot sightings, one in a boot store and one through the binoculars.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Muggy Friday

Rocky boots (no pic), older navy pleated Dockers, dark navy small check shirt, white T, black boxer briefs, Dickies socks.

Friday, October 07, 2005


Carolina loggers, black pleated Farahs, dark medium navy stripe shirt, white T, black boxer briefs, Carhartt logo socks.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Bates military, pleated navy Farahs, plain blue shirt, white T, black boxer briefs, usual socks.

Sighting: cute cubby on the bus.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Busy Tuesday

Bates zips, black Bass pleated pants, medium blue stripe shirt, white T, black 2/(x) boxer briefs, thin but fairly new white work socks.

AM: Several cops standing together all in matching new (or newly cleaned) yellow fall jackets.

No Fun Monday

Bates zips only to get the mail, Levi 501's, navy Carhartt T, black boxer briefs, black work socks. Most of the day on the sofa sick.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Perfect Weather Sunday

Black Nocona cowboy boots, Levi 501's, black check short sleeve shirt, Carhartt logo T, black briefs, fuzzy black socks.

Me and the 501's were having a love fest, so I almost missed the nice worn brown cowboy boots.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Perfect Weather Saturday

Chippewa loggers, black Carhartt duck dungarees, navy Carhartt work shirt, navy longsleeve Carhartt T, flannel plaid boxers, usual Dickies socks.

Leather jackets on bikers are back!

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Carolina loggers, plain front black Farahs, small check blue shirt, white T, black boxer briefs, fuzzy blue work socks, Carhartt brown duck jacket.